Flemming R. Ovesen / Torben Taustrup

Last update: May 1 - 2024


To view images properly on your monitor please adjust the contrast and brightness until each  gradation in the greyscale is just discernable. Also set your display adapter to at least 24bit color and 800 x 600 resolution.




M-31  HTP 2415  Instrument: 8" f/6 Newtonian. Exposure time: 60 minutes. Film developed in MWP-2. File size: 388 kb 
M-31  1392 x 1040 Close up of emission nebulas in the galaxy. Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Newtonian.
M-31  1392 x 1040 Instrument: 80 mm f/7.5 ED Sky-Watcher. Camera: SXV H9. Exposure time: 60 minutes. Date: oct. 24 - 2006
M-31  QHY8L Instrument: 80 mm f/7.5 ED Sky-Watcher. Camera: QHY8L. Exposure time: 46 x 300 sec. Date: oct. 18 - 2018
M-31  ASI 2600 PRO mono Instrument: 14,5" f:4,2 Newtonian. Exposure time: LRGB 80 min. Date: nov. 7 - 2021
M-31  ASI 2600 PRO mono Instrument: 14,5" f:4,2 Newtonian. Exposure time: LRGB 120 min. Dates: nov. 7 - 2021, sept. 4 - 2023. BlurXterminator used.
M-33 755 x 242 2x3 minutes.
Date: 19-12-03. Instrument: 12.5" - f/5 Newtonian
M-33 2x2 binning Date: December 2022. Instrument: 14.5" - f/4.2 Newtonian. Camera: ASI 2600 mono
Exposure time: 6 hours. BlurXterminator used.
M-51 756 x 483 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. 5 x 6 minutes. Cookbook Camera.
Date: 230303 
M-51 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9, 31 x 4 minutes.
Date: April 3 - 2005
M-51 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9. Exposure time: 5 hours.
Date: March 5 - 6 - 7 - 2011
M-51 6248 x 7176 Instrument: 14.5" Newtonian. Cam: ASI 2600 mono. Exposure time: 6 hours.
Date: 2022-04-22, 2022-04-25, 2022-05-06. BlurXterminator used.
M-63 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9, 15 x 4 minutes.
Date: March 18 - 2008
M-63 color 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9.
Date: april 2011 - R: 36 min., G: 27 min., B: 33 min., L: 261 min. BlurXterminator used.
M-65 756 x 242 Date: 050403 - 7 x 5 minutes - 12.5" Newtonian.
M-81 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5"-  f:5 Newtonian
Date: 140105 - Exposure time: 4 x 4 min
M-81 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5"-  f:5 Newtonian, camera: H9
Date: 06/05-2008
M-81 3362 x 2504 Instrument: 12.5"-  f:5 Newtonian, camera: Atik 383L - Exposure time: 18 hours. BlurXterminator used.
Date: March-April/-2016
M-81 Remote galaxies Atik 383L A section af the M81 image, showing our most remote galaxies recorded. (Smal red spots marked in a rectangle) Distance is estimated around 5 billion light years.
Exposure time:18 hours - Date: March-April/-2016
M-82  252 x 242  Exposure time: 6 x 120 seconds - Focal length=240 cm. by use of tele extender. Double sampling mode. File size: 34 kb. 
M-82  1392 x 1040  Exposure time: 10 x 120 seconds. Instrument: 12.5" / f:5 Newtonian, SXV H9. Date: 19/09-2004.
Enlarged version
+ H-Alpha pass
1392 x 1040  Exposure time: G+B 3x2 minutes binned 2x2. H-Alpha 6x8 minutes unbinned. Luminance, 13 minutes unbinned. H-Alpha date: 01-02-2005 - supplied with one hour H-alpha from 24-04-2008 - binning: 2 x 2. Instrument: 12.5" / f:5 Newtonian, SXV H9.
In color
756 x 483 Exposure time: 200 seconds. Instrument: 12,5" Newtonian, Date: 18/02-04
M-82 supernova 1392 x 1040  Exposure time: 6 hours+ from 2014-03-09 to 2014-04-01. BlurXterminator used.
M-82 Atik 383L Exposure time: 2017- 04 four days 22, 23, 26, 29. L: 66 x 300, R: 24 x 300, G: 13 x 300, B. 29 x 300. BlurXterminator used.
M-82 Quasars Atik 383L A section af the M82-image, showing some quasars (marked with tiny lines). At a distance of about 9 billion lightyears, they are the most distant object we have recorded - although there is some disagrement about their remoteness.
Exposure time: 2017- 04 four days 22, 23, 26, 29. L: 66 x 300, R: 24 x 300, G: 13 x 300, B. 29 x 300
Makarian's Chain
1392 x 1040 Exposure time: xx Instrument: 80 mm ED f/7,5 Sky Watcher, BlurXterminator used. Date: May 2007
M-101  1392 x 1040 Exposure time: 60 minutes. Date: February 26. 2006. Instrument, 12.5" f/5 Newtonian
M-106 756 x 242 Date: 050403 - 7 x 4 minutes - 12.5" Newtonian.
M-106 1392 x 1040 Date: 12/15-04-2007 exposure time. 120 min. 80 mm Sky-Watcher
M-106 1392 x 1040 Date: 7-03-2010. Color: RGB: 180 minutes. Luminance: 360 minutes. Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. SXV H9
Version with less colour
M-110 756 x 242 Date: 261003 - 4 x 3 minutes - 12.5" Newtonian.
IC 342 696 x 520 Date: 091004 - 3 x 5 minutes - 12.5" Newtonian.
NGC 507 1392 x 1040 Exposure time: 5 hours. NGC 507 is the elliptical galaxy to the left - mag. 12,3. The spiral galaxy at four o'clock is NGC 494 - mag. 11.2. A number of fainter galaxies can be seen.
NGC 891  HTP 2415  Exposure time: 38 minutes. Developed in MWP-2. Only part of the negative is shown. Check out the small galaxies in the lower left corner of the image. The face on galaxy to the left of the brightest star (SAO 38002) is NGC906 mag. 13.7. File size: 229 kb. 
NGC 891 1392 x 1040  Exposure time: 60 minutes. Date: 09/10-2004 - taken with 12.5" Newtonian. SXV H9 camera
NGC 891
1392 x 1040  Exposure time: 7 hours. Date: 14/10-2010 - 3/11-2010 taken with 12.5" Newtonian. SXV H9 camera. BlurXterminator used.
Supernova in NGC 2403 1392 x 1040 Date: 22/08 - 2004 23:04 UT. Exposure time: 2 minutes. 12.5" Newtonian and SXV H9 camera
NCG 2685 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9 - 5 hours.
Date: January 27 and March 4 - 2008
NCG 2903 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. CCD: SXV H9. Exposure time: 1 hour 40 minutes.
Date: February 13 - 2009
NGC 3628 1040 x 1392 Exposure time: 4,5 hours. March 17 and 20 - 2009.
NGC 3718 1392 x 1040 The galaxy in upper left corner is NGC 3729. The small, vertically oriented galaxy in lower right part of image is mag. 16.1, PGC 35631. March 28 - 2005. Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Newtonian. Camera: SXV H9
NGC 3718 1392 x 1040 The galaxy in upper left corner is NGC 3729. The small, vertically oriented galaxy in lower right part of image is mag. 16.1, PGC 35631. Feb. 25 to March 28 - 2012. Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Newtonian. Camera: SXV H9 - exposure time: 11,7 hours. BlurXterminator used.
NGC 4217 and NGC 4226  378 x 242  Exposure time: 3 x 4 minutes. NGC 4226 is the small galaxy mid/low. Date 060500 File size: 19 kb. 
NGC 4438 1392 x 1040 Exposure time: 460 minutes. Date april 14 - 2010
M-106, NGC4248, NGC4231, NGC4232  378 x 242  Exposure time: 5 x 3 minutes. Two image mosaic. File size: 74 kb. 
NGC4490 supernova 1392 x 1040 Exposure time: 2 hours - drifting clouds, Camera: H9
NGC4559  378 x 242  Exposure time: 4 x 3 minutes. Date: April 13. 2001. File size: 19 kb. 
In color
1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Newtonian. Luminance 51 minutes. RGB 80 minutes. BlurXterminator used. Date: 23-03-2009
NGC 4631 - NGC 4627 and 4656 HTP 2415  Date: 27/3-1993. Exposure time: 30 minutes. Developed in MWP-2. Only part of the negative is shown. The galaxy in the lower left corner of the image is NGC4656 / 4657. File size: 87 kb. 
NGC 4631 755 x 242 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. Date: April 21. 2003. Exposure time: 8 x 4 minutes.
NGC 4656 1392 x 1040 Date: 29/3-2006. Exposure time: 40 minutes. 12.5" f/5 Newtonian
NGC 5907 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. Date: February 11. 2010. Exposure time: RGB 2x2 binning, total exposure time: 120 minutes. Luminance: 60 minutes.
Further processed version
Supernova in NGC 6946 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. Date: September 30. 2004. Exposure time: Color: 3 x 3 minutes. Luminance 5 x 3 minutes at full Moon
NGC 7331 - in color 1392 x 1020 Instrument: 12.5" f:5 Newtonian. Date: August 30 - 2008. Exposure time: 2 hours.
NGC 7479 1392 x 1040 Instrument: 12.5" Newtonian. Date: October 8. 2007. BlurXterminator used. Exposure time: 70 minutes
Coma Galaxy Cluster 756 x 242 Date: 050403 - 7 x 6 minutes - 12.5" Newtonian. Position: R.A. 12:59,52 - 27.56.20 N
Stephan's Quintet 1392 x 1040 Exposure time: 210 minutes. Instrument: 12,5" f/5 Newton. Camera: SXV H9 - Date: October 2, 5 and 8 - 2007.
BlurXterminator used.
Stephan's Quintet 1080 x 810 Date 220919-21. Instrument 14,5" F:4,2 Newton. Camera ASI2600 MM Pro. Total exposure 375 min. Crop of larger field.
Stars somewhat suppressed for better view of nebulosity. Processed in PixInsight with AI plugins, and Photoshop.

Images of The Moon 

Planetary Images 

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